Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

darwin awards

While Mr Burns was at school teaching us we made up our own Darwin awards, Darwin awards are different things/ways that they have killed them self or others - most of them are really funny,or really dumb! this is my Darwin award.....

Where: Napier
When: 2008

Two drunks thought that it would be cool if they went flying,so they set out fireworks on the ground then lay on them.They expected that the fireworks would lift them into the air, but from this experience they never saw daylight again.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Bio Poem

This following poem is a Bio Poem that i wrote in class. If you don't know what a bio poem is, it is a poem were you have to write certain things on certain lines about yourself. For e.g:

Line 1
your first name
line 2 four traits that describe you
Line 3 sibling of.....
Line 4 Lover of.....
Line 5 Who Feels.....
Line 6 Who Needs.....
Line 7 Who gives....
Line 8 Who fears....
Line 9 Who would like to see......
Line 10 Resident of....(your city/ road name)
Line 11 Your Last Name

This is my Bio Poem.......

Bubbly, friendly, Happy, short
Sibling of Matt &Sam
Love of zombie chews, shopping & dancing
Who feels excited, energetic & loved
Who needs food water & air
Who gives Laughter, friendship & love
Who fears spiders, big disasters & cockroaches
Who would like to see the world
Resident of Poraiti
(last name)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Some of the Things that we have done this year......

Because I only started blogging this term you probibly wont know about some of the things that room 24 have gotten up to so far, so in this post I will share with you some of the things that we have done in our learning and other things outside the class.

- Room 24 Went on an E.O.T.C challenge (ed outside the classroom) this was heaps of fun and we did loads of this including river crossing, river rafting, bridge haul, bush walk, making bivoaucs, and heaps more. This was a fun trip and i would love to do something like this again!

- early New Zealand trip. This was a one day trip were we went on a walk around Napier to find out about Napier and new Zealands history. After the walk we went and chilled out at ocean spa. Before this trip we studied heaps about early settlers to new Zealand and things like that.

- In our writing early on in the year we did report writing. i did my report on dancing.

- We made our own countries. for this we had to make up many things including, making a map, flag, where it is located, tourist Attractions, National anthem, our own Minny web page, and many more things. We made these countries based with the Olympics and we had to explain things in our countries so that then visitors/athletes know where they were coming for the Olympics!

- Debate writing, we did a little bit of debate writing in the middle of the year, then we were each giving a team and a debate subject to debate about. we had a few weeks to write our debates then we all presented them to another year 8 class, this was a little comp! our class ended up winning all of the debates except two of them we drew!

- We also had Mr Burns with us for some of the year. Mr burns was a student teacher becoming a teacher and has now done all of his exams! Everyone in room 24 had HEAPS of fun with Mr Burns, he even taught us for a week while Mr Doyle was in Japan on an exchange with about 12 Taradale int kids.

Poetry - Boys & girls Poem

This was a poem that me and Georgia wrote for sex ed.

Boys & Girls

Boys like cars, mud and trucks
Girls like dolls and baby ducks

Boys are rough and pretend not to care
Girls are loving and like brushing their hair

Boys are aggrivatingly proud
Girls are quiet, not very loud

This is what people think of us, sometimes its wrong
So when you hear this stang up and be STRONG!

......Poetry - I Am Poem......

This is one of my poems - it is called an I Am poem because it is about me, although some of the things have to be imanginative for e.g - I touch, I pretend, I feel.

I am cheerful and crazy
I wonder about the future
I hear leave droping to the ground
I see the waves chrashing into the sand
I want to travel the world with Toomey
I am cheerful and crazy
I pretend to fly to mars
I feel like i can dance through the clouds
I touch the soft whrite clouds
I worry about lossing my family
I cry for all family members that have passed away
I am cheerful and crazy
I understand that i LOVE talking
I say friends for ever
I dream that the world will be a better place
I try to do my best
I hope That i will grow taller some day
I am cheerful and crazy

update to what you will find on my blog

One of the Main things that we are doing in our writing at the moment is poetry. On my Blog I will be adding some of my poems that i have written. Also I will start to add some of the things that i have lernt in reading. So enjoy reading.
Bye 4 now!

Victoria's blog

Hi Victoria
Fantastic effort with your blog so far. I've been impressed by the focus on our learning here at school - well done. Maybe you could include one of your poems and explain how the poem was put together (drafted) and maybe mention one of the readings we've done in literacy and what you learnt? Cool voki and slideshow. Keep up the great work.
Mr Doyle aka big taradale

Monday, December 1, 2008

What Happening at School at the Moment????

Well there's heaps going on at the moment including:-
-the year 8 leavers dance, this is were most of the year 8s will come along to the hall one night to celebrate the great time that we have all had at taradale int. On this night there will be one dance where the guys have to dance with the girls (probibly a waltz). This years theme is mascaraed. In class we will probibly start making masks for the night. I'm sure its going to be a great night!

-Room 24's big day out. Our class has decided that we are going to go on a trip to splash planet for a end of year trip. If you don't know what splash planet is, its a fun and exciting place that has all sorts of things to do, including mini golf, riding go-carts, jeeps, and bumper boats. there are also heaps of pools to swim in and a few water slides and heaps more.

-Swim Heretaunga. This is another swimming day out, but this time its at swim Heretaunga and room 24 is going with room 21 and 17. this will be a fun day out in the sun!

This is just some of the things that will be happening in the next week or so at school. So keep looking at my blog and i will keep you in touch with all the fun and exciting things that i am getting up to!
Bye for now

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

where i have been - my life so far

This Is a Time line that I made with a few of the main things that i have done so far in my life on it. Our claas had to do this as part of our where have we been where are we now and where are we going project. If you keep cheeking my blog every now and then you will find more things on this project.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Progress I Have Made In Maths...

I was quite proud when I got my results back for the four maths tests that I have had in the past week or so. The four tests that I had were: The school basic facts champs, the Gloss test, the P.A.T test and lastly the basic facts test. For both the school basic facts test and the basic facts test I got 100% and for my gloss test I got stage 7. If you are reading this and have no idea about the gloss test, it is a 1 on 1 test where we went and sat with a teacher from school and with no paper or pens we had to work out maths problems and explain how we got our answers to the teacher. The stages (how they score you) I don't have much idea about but I do know that there are 8 stages, 1 being the lowest and 8 being the highest. For my P.A.T test I got Stanine 8, and again if you are reading this and don't know what the P.A.T test is well it is an online maths test that has 41 questions and you have about 50 minutes to complete this. There are 9 stanines 1 being the lowest, and 9 being the highest, and if you get 4-6 your maths is average. So yeah that about it for my maths and i am really happy about my scores.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mitre Ten Ad!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Progress I Have Made On My Goals So Far

Well so far the athletics have been, and unfortunately i was unable to attend them, but leading up to the day I tried hard, got stuck in and even improved from last year. I'm pretty happy that I improved but at the same time I am disappointed that i couldn't be there on the day to support Kaweka and maybe even get the extra 6 points for us to win the badge for the school shied. apart from that, lets move onto my other goals. I have been trying hard especially in maths to do my best to get a good result in the high school test, and in these 3 or 4 weeks I have learnt HEAPS! so all is going well in the class room and hopefully I can keep on trying and learn even more for the high school test in a couple of weeks

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Term 4 Goals

At the start of the term we all made up goals to concentrate on our learning and things that we are going to be getting up to during school. Here are my goals and what might help me to achieve or not achieve them.

My Goals:
1.) To concentrate in my work so i will do well in my end of year high school test.
2.) To try my best at athletics and improve from last year.
3.) To have better quality work.

What can i do to help me achieve these goals:
1.) Think more about my work and concentrate really well to the teacher talking.
2.)Put 100% into each P.E session.
3.) To take more time with borders and colouring in.

What might stop me from achieving these goals:
1.) Not asking for help when i don't understand things.
2.) Not trying hard enough.
3.) Being rushed

Monday, October 27, 2008

My First Post- A Little Bit About What You Will Find On My Blog

Hey my name is Victoria, and welcome to my blog. On my blog you will find out a little bit about me and my work that I have done this year and the exciting things that is happening this term, Including my rich topic work (Where have we been? Where are we now? and Where are we going?) So have a look around and enjoy!